Benefits of Hydrotherapy
With Sundance Spa hydrotherapy, your vacation can begin right at home - offering relaxation enveloped in warmth, aquatic activity, and massage therapy. The strategically placed nozzles work to massage muscles, joints, and sensitive pressure points, while the soothing warmth of the water enhances blood circulation in the capillaries, triggering the release of endorphins for an unparalleled sense of comfort. Utilizing the buoyancy of water, which reduces body weight by up to 90 percent, there's minimal strain on joints and muscles during water-based exercises. Sundance's hydrotherapy, with its blend of heat, aquatic movement, and targeted massage, holds the potential to alleviate symptoms of arthritis and aid in tissue recovery. Engaging in regular hydrotherapy sessions can serve as an effective means to alleviate stress-induced symptoms and promote overall well-being.